Linggo, Oktubre 23, 2016

Global Education and the Global Teacher

                I have learned that becoming a global teacher doesn't need to teach in abroad. Becoming a global teacher is having a compassionate heart and a spirit of fighter who will never give up on his/her learners.

                I have realized that teachers must be creative and innovative. Innovative in ways to prepare diverse learners in their own cultural  context without forgetting that they live in a global village. To compete globally means to prepare teachers who are capable of changing lifelong educations.

                As a future teacher I will be innovative enough to handle diverse learners without getting them in their own culture. Learning in a way of developing their own competencies.

1 komento:

  1. Hello Ms Cabana,

    1. You have had lacking reflections in all lesson.
    2. You have forgotten to include letter to the professor, students, future teachers and student teachers..

    Dr Charlie
