Biyernes, Oktubre 21, 2016

Lesson 1: Your Philosophical Heritage

      I have learned the Seven Philosophies of Education. Essentialism where the teacher teach in traditional way. Progressivism where teachers help the learners to develop their competencies. Perennialism where it is centered around teachers, the students are not allow to interrupt on what the teachers discuss. Existentialism where the main concern is to help the students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals. Behaviorism where the schools are concerned with the behavior of the learners. Linguistic where the focus is to develop the communication skill of the students. Constructivism where they develop a motivated and independent learners with an equipped learning skills.
     I have realized that the seven philosophies of education are all essential. But in today's generation we focused on an Outcome-Based-Education where the students are not just evaluated on their cognitive level but also in their affective and  psychomotor skills. Some may not good academically but they perform very well in actual based system. in this system the students are given an equal opportunity to showcase their competencies (Progressivism).
     As a future teacher, I will give an equal opportunity to my learners on how they can show their own unique competencies. Students are diversified. Different folks, different strokes. So we must be lenient to all of our learners. 

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